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Two Abandoned Dogs Rescued From The Highway Receive Surprise Happy Ending

While on tour, the popular Harp Twins took a wrong turn and ended up saving the lives of two dogs.

While traveling to their next venue, the Nordic Celtic harp duo, the Harp Twins, got lost and happened upon two abandoned dogs walking down the center of a rural highway on a very hot day.

Cars and trucks were traveling on the highway and Camille and Kennerly were worried the two dogs would be hit by a vehicle. So, they stopped and loaded up the dogs to get them off the road and out of danger.

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Assuming they were farm dogs, they decided to head to the nearest farm and see if the dogs belonged there. No such luck. They then flagged down two women who lived in the area, but they didn’t recognize the dogs and were certain they’d been dumped.

Since that appeared to be the case, they called the nearest animal shelter, but it was 100 miles away and closed for the holiday weekend. Not knowing what else to do, they decided to try their luck at the next farm.

Once there, they came upon a farmer working in his field, so they stopped on the side of the road to see if he knew the dogs. He said he didn’t recognize them but as luck would have it, he was wanting two dogs just like them!

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He wanted the dogs, so the band followed the farmer to his home, even carrying the older dog since he was too tired to walk. The farmer had the perfect setup for the pups. They now had a beautiful fenced in yard where they would be safe and could live out their remaining days.

The two pups made themselves right at home and were certainly relieved to be safe and cared for. And the farmer had exactly the two dogs that he’d been wanting. The Harp Twins said,

“It made our hearts smile to know that we saved these two sweet dogs from an awful fate in the dry, hot grasslands and that by some miracle they were just what the farmer was looking for.”

“Sometimes the wrong road might actually be where you need to be.”

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Thanks to the kindness of the Harp Twins and a kindhearted farmer, these poor dogs are not only saved but are also given a loving home with someone who wants them. We hope you enjoyed their rescue story. As always, please share with your friends.

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