8 Cat Breeds with Short Tails (with Pictures)


While most cat breeds have long tails, there are quite a few with completely bobbed tails or tails on the shorter side. While these breeds are typically rarer than their tailed cousins, many are growing in popularity, so you shouldn’t have too much difficulty if you’re planning on adopting one of these kitties!


The 8 Cat Breeds with Short Tails

1. American Bobtail

red american bobtail cat
Image Credit: Ievgeniia Miroshnichenko, Shutterstock

The American Bobtail was developed in the United States, as the name suggests. This breed originated in the 1960s. On top of its bobbed tail, this breed is also one of the largest in the world, often weighing as much as 13 pounds. With toe tufts and lynx-like ears, this feline looks very wild.

Despite their wild appearance, they make a wonderful family cat. They are a bit active, though they appreciate some cuddle time as well.

2. Manx

Manx Cat
Image Credit: Cheryl Kunde, Shutterstock

The Manx cat is probably what most people think of when they imagine a tailless cat. This feline comes from the Isle of Man. Originally, a feline likely developed a natural mutation that made their tail become incredibly shortened. Because of the small population of cats on the island, this mutation quickly spread until a new breed of cat was created.

With a strong prey drive, this feline was historically used to keep mice populations in check. Today, they make active companions. They can come in practically any color, including brown, black, tabby, and calico.

3. Pixie-Bob

This feline is extremely new and can only be traced back to the mid-1980s. This breed was first discovered in Mount Baker, Washington. It basically looks like a tiny bobcat. In fact, it looks so much like a bobcat that it is often mistaken as one.

While they absolutely look wild, they are actually quite friendly and family-oriented. They get along well with most people and other pets.

4. Cymric

Cymric Cat
Image Credit: Zanna Pesnina, Shutterstock

This unique breed is descended from the Manx cat. However, it was developed in Canada and has long-fur, which sets it apart from its shorthaired cousins. They act very similarly to Manx cats, which means they are active and have a strong prey drive.

They do make suitable family cats, though they can’t exactly be described as lap cats. Instead, they are best suited for active families.

5. Highlander

highlander cat in the garden
Image Credit: SUSAN LEGGETT, Shutterstock

The Highlander cat is a relatively new breed. It was created by crossing a Desert Lynx with a Jungle Curl, both of which are also recently developed cats. They look quite wild, with exotic markings. They can also grow up to 20 pounds, which makes them large felines as well.

These cats can easily be described as outgoing and friendly. They love to play and have fun with their people. They are easygoing and don’t let much get to them. They aren’t terribly shy or scared of much. They are extremely people-oriented, though not to the point that they are prone to separation anxiety.

6. Japanese Bobtail

Japanese Bobtail Cat
Image Credit: slowmotiongli, Shutterstock

The Japanese Bobtail has a tiny, bunny tail. It is extremely bobbed, even when compared to the other cat breeds in this article. This cat is extremely old and has been around for a thousand years at least. It plays a significant part in Japanese folklore and art.

This breed is fairly intelligent. They are people-oriented, though not necessarily as much as other breeds. They do make a good family cat, but they won’t get upset if they spend most of the day alone. Mental stimulation like training and puzzle toys are recommended.

7. American Lynx

While this breed looks a lot like a wild lynx, they are actually a domestic breed that has only been bred to look like their wild cousin. As an experimental breed, this feline is extremely rare and hard to come by. Most are only available to breeders.

They look similar to a bobcat, though it is easy to tell the difference. They are not currently recognized by any big-name cat organization, though they are by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry.

8. Kurilian Bobtail

Kurilian Bobtail Cat
Image Credit: Oleksandr Volchanskyi, Shutterstock

It is thought that the Kurilian Bobtail and the Japanese Bobtail were both originally the same breed. However, the Japanese Bobtail developed in mainland Japan, while the Kurilian Bobtail developed in isolation on the Kuril Islands and parts of Russia.

These cats have stubby body types and are quite large. Originating from Russia, these felines are rare outside of their native area. They make great mousers and have been used in Russia to protect grain stores.

Featured Image Credit: dien, Shutterstock

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