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Big Fluffy Dog Tries To Sulk His Way Out Of Taking A Bath

Phil doesn’t like baths so he does everything he can to avoid them. In fact, he hates them so much, not even the promise of peanut butter can change his mind.

Phil the malamute is not a fan of bath time. It doesn’t matter how filthy he gets; he does everything in his power to pout his way out of having to take one in the most adorable way ever.

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Locked in the bathroom with his owners, Phil is doing his level best to avoid getting in the tub. He stares at the wall, tries to hide, and even cries to avoid having to get in the dreaded bathtub. It seems that not even the baby or the cat can convince stinky Phil that a bath is a good idea.

Apparently, Phil’s last bath was two months ago. Since, he’s been a busy boy playing in ponds, water, streams, and dirt so he’s gotten dirty. But Phil doesn’t care, he may like water, but this guy is not interested in the fresh ‘n clean kind.

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Phil is convinced that the bath is not in his best interest. He pouts and sulks, doing everything in his doggy power to prevent getting a bath. But his dog parents are equally convinced that he needs a bath and truth be told, he really does.

So, his parents seek advice from the Internet and get some good tips. One fan suggests peanut butter so out comes the jar, but Phil isn’t that easily fooled. He does take a stealthy lick but when his dad rubs peanut butter inside the bathtub, Phil could care less.

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Another suggestion was that Phil might be afraid of slipping in the tub. So, they put a towel down in the bottom so he can stand on it but that doesn’t convince the clever pup, either. He’s not giving up on his bath aversion that easily.

Since nothing is going to compel Phil to cooperate, his fur parents said they had to resort to stronger measures. They had to lift the “dead weight” into the tub themselves and once there, washed him clean.

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But of course, that is the best part and not on the video so we can only imagine how Phil felt about it. The good news is his bath is now over so he’s free to play and get dirty until the next time.

We hope you enjoyed this funny pup. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.

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