Woman Reunites With Rottweiler Best Friend at Shelter After 2 Years Apart
Such a heartwarming reunion. The Humane Society of Chittenden County was happy witness two old friends reuniting after two long years apart.

They described the reunion as follows:
“Rottweiler Bella came to the Humane Society of Chittenden County because her owners could not afford an expensive surgery to repair her torn CCL.
A local veterinarian generously offered to do her surgery for free – and we made her available for adoption so she could recover from surgery in a home.”

Needless to say both dog and owner were overwhelmed with emotion when they saw each other!
Jenn wipes away tears and Bella can’t keep still circling and snuggling with Jenn and the moment was captured on video.
Bella just can’t believe her eyes and keeps staring up at Jenn adoringly, wanting cuddles and pets.
It’s clear from the videos the two are so relieved to have found each other again after so long apart – such a heartwarming reunion.
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