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Woman Calls Off Her Wedding After Proving Her Finance Is A Dog Abuser

One day she was happily planning her wedding. The next she was living in a nightmare. Thankfully, she realized what was happening before it was too late.

At twenty-six years old, Ninna Madin was happily planning her wedding and looking forward to her happy ever after. Like all engaged women, she had big dreams and thought she found her one true love.

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Ninna lived in Rio Janeiro, Brazil, with her two French Bulldogs, Victoria and Gucci. She adored her dogs and the three of them were a happy family. When she got engaged, she expected her fiancé, Hermida, to become part of their little family.

At first, everything seemed fine. The wedding was being planned and all was well. Then Ninna noticed that her dogs were suddenly acting afraid of Hermida. The situation was confounding because Hermida had always been kind and loving to her dogs in front of her.

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Things began to escalate when Victoria and Gucci began having unexplained injuries. Ninna took the dogs to the vet, who could not explain the cause of the injuries. Ninna was worried, yet things were about to get much, much worse.

Ninna came home one day and found that her two dogs were injured badly enough to need hospitalization, for seemingly no reason. This prompted Ninna to recall how her dogs had become fearful of Hermida, she then began to suspect that he may have been behind their injuries all along.

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Wanting to know the truth, Ninna installed a hidden camera in her living room and began monitoring her dogs. It took a month, but one day her suspicions of abuse were confirmed. To her horror, Hermida assaulted the sweet and innocent dogs.

The images on the video were shocking. Ninna saw Hermida hang her dogs by their legs, head butt them, and drop them on the ground. Trying to hide his crime, he cleaned up the urine they left behind before Ninna returned home.

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Ninna immediately broke up with him, posted the images of abuse on social media, and reported him to the police. But, being the coward he was, Hermida fled and is still wanted for his crimes.

Thankfully, Ninna discovered the abuse before their wedding and dared to put a stop to the abuse. Her dogs have recovered from their injuries and are much happier now that Hermida is gone.

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We know that this story is shocking and distressing. But hopefully, it gives someone else to courage to leave an abuser, whether they are married or not. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.

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