Small Dog with Enormous Tumor and Surrendered for Euthanasia has the Best Life Now
A dog who had a gigantic tumor on her side has a whole new life now thanks to her dedicated rescuers and Vet Ranch. Hattie had been surrendered to a Texas shelter for euthanasia by her heartless owners, who had let the tumor grow for 2 years without doing anything.

Hattie was immediately taken to Vet Ranch’s Dr. Karri, who remarked that she had never seen a tumor that large on a dog Hattie’s size before. Dallas Dog RRR likened the tumor to a bowling ball!
Dr. Karri noted how off balance Hattie was because of the tumor weighing her down. She also noted how Mattie would lay on it like it was a beanbag chair! Can you imagine?

Dr. Karri was both nervous and excited before Hattie’s surgery (note: the video below does not contain any graphic imagery). After her surgery, Hattie is like a brand new dog! The tumor, by the way, was 15 pounds!
Hattie’s recovery wasn’t without a few setbacks but she got through them and went into foster care.

And she went on to find a wonderful forever home thanks to her rescuers!

To think, Hattie was almost euthanized because of her previous owner’s neglect. But thankfully, her rescue has a happy ending!
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