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Rescuers Cry "Tears Of Joy" As Long Lost Dog Reunites With His Mom

Everytime we see a story for a dog found in the streets in miserable condition, we assume he either was abandoned willingly or he never had a family to begin with, but this story is a bit different from the usual stray dogs we used to hear.

The animal rescuers of “Happy Animals” (МКП “Щасливі тварини) Ukraine, found a stray dog on the streets in terrible conditions, starving and full of mange they knew this dog has lived through hell.

To their surprise, even with the indications that her life wasn’t easy, the dog showed a friendly attitude.

The shelter took the picture of the dog, and put on social media to try and give him a loving home and find someone that would take care of her.

It was after the viral news , that shelter received a call from an emotional woman saying she was sure the picture dog was her long lost dog, that was stolen from her 2 years ago, and she has been looking for him all this time.

They arranged for her to come at the shelter the next day, and to their surprise

the dog turned out to be the missing dog the poor woman, was searching for a long time now.

The woman told the dogs name was Lady , and the moment she took a sniff to her owners hand the happy reunion happened ,shelter recorded their miraculous reunion with tears in their eyes.

You should never stop believing, miracles happen everyday.

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