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Rescued Cat Adopts Orphaned Kitten And Makes Sure He Knows What Love Is

Andy the rescue cat must have remembered how scary it was to spend the first night in a new home because when his new little brother arrived, he rushed to his side and gave him the most comforting hug.

When animal rescuer, Moonglade Rose, took her new kitten, Opie, home for the first time, she had no idea how Andy would respond to the tiny cat. Would Andy like his new little brother or would he be jealous of the kitten?

Moonglade Rose

But Moonglade didn’t need to worry. Andy remembered what it was like to be the new kitty because as soon as he realized that Opie was in the house, he rushed to the kitten and warmly welcomed him to the family by giving him the biggest hug.

Andy continued to shower Opie with love and helped the new kitten feel comfortable in his new home. All night long Andy stayed by Opie’s side and made sure the new kitten knew he was loved and protected by his big brother.

Moonglade Rose

It seems that Andy remembered how lonely not having a home could be and was paying it forward. Since he was once a cat waiting for his forever home, he knew what it was like to be alone and didn’t want his new little bro to have any more of those feelings.

It appears that Andy enjoys rescue just as much as his mom does. Now he’s just as involved as she is, “Andy gives his brother lots of love, and has been teaching him about the litter box, how to land on his feet, how to hunt and play, but mostly how to cuddle,” Moonglade told Love Meow.

Moonglade Rose

Andy has done nothing but shower his new baby brother with love since he arrived. The two cats love to cuddle and nap together. Their sweet relationship couldn’t make their mom happier. It is as if the two were destined to be best friends before Opie even arrived.

Now the kitties are inseparable and spend each day enjoying each other’s company. But no worries, they still enjoy spending time with their mom but once they are done, they happily return to each other.

Moonglade Rose

We hope you enjoyed this cute rescue story. These brothers are just the cutest cats ever. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.

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