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Puppy With Pneumonia Has To Live Her First Weeks All Alone In An Oxygen Bubble

The breeder rushed the sick little puppy to the vet because she was unable to breathe on her own. They expected her to be there for a few days but soon they realized it would take weeks for her to be able to breathe on her own.

The little puppy was suffering from aspiration pneumonia and was turning blue when her breeder rushed her to the vet. Thankfully she reached out for help and took the tiny pup to a vet who had an oxygen bubble to help her breathe.

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When the puppy arrived, the puppy was blue and gasping for air. She was immediately placed in the bubble to help her calm down and provide her with oxygen. After thirty minutes in the bubble, the puppy was no longer blue but was still struggling to breathe.

The tiny pup was oxygen dependent so she couldn’t leave the bubble. It was heartbreaking to see the baby in there all alone but there was no other way to try to save her. They expected that she would be in a bubble for a couple of weeks, and they were doing all they could to fight for her.

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Despite her fragile condition, the tiny pup they were now calling Sally kept fighting. She constantly watched what was going on around her, and wagged her tail, but missed physical contact with people. She kept trying to connect but each time they tried to open her bubble, she didn’t have enough air to breathe.

But slowly she began to improve so they took her out of the bubble for seconds at a time to try to strengthen her lungs. With each day increasing her time out of the bubble by 20-30 seconds. Days passed and she got stronger but still was reliant on oxygen.

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The puppy began to grow, and they eventually had to build her a bigger oxygen chamber. After a while, she got more outings but would return to her chamber when she needed help breathing. The bigger chamber allowed her to move more but the little pup was still not able to leave it completely.

Finally, she got strong enough to go outside for short moments but always had to return to the bubble. Then one day, when she left the bubble, she didn’t want to go back inside. She refused to return to her bubble despite everyone being nervous about it.

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She stayed out so they knew it was time for her to be adopted. Another vet tech adopted her and gave her experience in a home. The clever little pup was still healing and would rest herself when life was too much.

But every day she got stronger and stronger and played with her doggy friends. She began spending more and more time outside and experiencing life. The cute little fighter never gave up and she had the most amazing people caring for her every step of the way.

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This little dog is truly a miracle. She could have given up, but she never did. Now she’s living her best life and enjoying every step of the way. It’s hard to believe she is the same pup that had to live the first part of her life in an oxygen bubble.

We hope you enjoyed her amazing story of survival. As always, please share with your friends.

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