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Her Eyes Seemed To Say, “Where Are My Puppies?”

A high school student found her and called the rescue in tears. Hours later, they found what the student was so upset about. A brown and black dog, all alone in a field and unable to move, who obviously recently had puppies.

They searched nearby for the puppies, but they came up empty. Worried over the dog, one rescue worker took her to the vet while another stayed behind to continue to look for them.

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They didn’t immediately know what was wrong with the little dog. Her temperature was normal, and she could feel her feet, unlike a dog suffering from a severe injury or paralysis. So, they kept her at the vet, her major symptom being a look in her eyes that seemed to say, “where are my puppies?”

Meanwhile, they continued to search for the puppies and came up empty. They began to suspect that someone had taken her puppies away and could only hope that whoever had them would care about them.

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On day three, things started to look up for the precious dog. One of the rescuers went to visit her and she perked up and even tried to stand. Despite her sadness, there was hope in her eyes and she showed her rescuer how thankful she was to be helped even though her broken heart had a way to go.

Her rescuer spent the whole day with the special dog and even brought her and the other animals treats. She showered her with attention and cleaned up her bedding, showing her how much she was loved.

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They were determined to help her overcome her emotional pain and physical ailments. Her eyes told the story that somewhere deep down that they were reaching her heart to help her heal.

Yet, they still didn’t know why she was unable to walk. So far, no tests revealed her problem. They were still not sure how to make her happy again. Unsure of what to do, they prayed they could help her.

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By day five, she started physical therapy, and soon, that made all the difference. After a lot of work, she was eventually up and walking, even surprising herself. It seemed she turned a corner even though no one knew what caused her lameness.

Perhaps it was a broken heart because it wasn’t a broken bone. Whatever it was, the sweet little pup went on to find herself loved seemingly for the first time, she got to experience life inside a loving home.

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We hope you enjoyed this sweet little story of overcoming loss and survival. This dog was very brave to overcome her pain and fear and heartbreak to learn to trust again. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.

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