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Dogs Wearing Crocheted Hats While Taste Testing Food Go Viral

What could be cuter than two adorable dogs tasting different food while wearing crocheted hats? Not much since the video of these two funny pups has been viewed over 3 million times.

Food testing dogs is the Internet rage. All the social media platforms are full of pups tasting everything from green beans to sirloin steak. What they all have in common is their owners recording their dog’s reactions to the tasty treats being offered.

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Some dogs love all the food while others are pickier. Some dogs will even eat what their picky pup friend spits out on the table or floor. What is funny is when a picky dog eats something they spit out just to keep it from being eaten by the other dog.

All the videos are funny, but these two pups have taken taste-testing videos to the next level and have gone viral on TikTok. Their originality is going to be hard to beat!

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You see, Sookie and Ivy star not only taste-test some delicious foods, but they also do it while wearing an array of adorable, crocheted hats that match the food they’re eating.

The video starts with them wearing a crown of crocheted broccoli while being fed broccoli. They crunch, crunch, crunch through their coniferous vegetables for a while before they finally swallow them.

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Then they move on to eating carrots in their adorable orange and green carrot hats. The sweet carrots go down much faster than the broccoli, but both sets of hats are awesome.

Next up is some fresh, ripe banana. They taste some squishy banana bites while wearing, you guessed it! Banana hats!

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Once the banana is down the hatch, they move on to delicious watermelon. Of course, the watermelon is much more appealing (get it?) than a mushy banana, any day. Not to mention that their watermelon hats are epic.

After the watermelon comes the best part – pepperoni pizza! Their cute hats even have crocheted pepperonis on them. Their owner has saved the best yums for last, and the two dogs love her for it.

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So, what is your favorite hat? We love them all! We hope you enjoyed this hilarious video. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.

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