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Do Bobcats Attack and Eat Cats? What You Need To Know!


Bobcats are known for being incredible hunters. These predators are wildly successful. So successful that they’re almost every state of the Continental US. The only state you won’t find bobcats is Delaware. Across the country, there are approximately 3 million of these feline predators, feeding on a variety of living animals. Their favorite prey is the rabbit, but bobcats will eat many animals, such as birds, lizards, snakes, and other small mammals. Yes, that includes your cat, if it’s in a place that a bobcat can reach it.


Bobcats Are Obligate Carnivores

All cats are obligate carnivores, including wildcats like bobcats. This means that they get everything they need from meat. All of their nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and caloric needs are met by eating the flesh of other animals. Because of this, bobcats are almost constantly on the hunt. When there’s food to eat, bobcats are ready to make the kill, and they don’t do much discriminating about what they consider to be a meal.

Bobcat eating
Image Credit: Holly Kuchera, Shutterstock

Encroaching Habitat

Bobcat attacks on pets haven’t always been such a big deal, but they’re growing in frequency and number. It seems that bobcats attacking pets is becoming more common every year, and this is the truth. As humans continue to expand, the natural habitat of bobcats is becoming living space for humans. But rather than just leave, bobcats have adapted well to this change. While much of their previous prey becomes harder to find, they’re replaced with new possibilities.

Many people leave dogs or cats in their backyards. Often, these people erroneously believe that their walls or fences are adequate to offer protection for their pets. But if you’re trying to protect against bobcats, you’ll need more than a little wall. These cats are incredibly athletic and agile. Scaling your back wall to get to your pet inside is well worth the minimal effort they’ll have to expend doing it.

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A simple search online will reveal that bobcat attacks are an all too common experience. While bobcats don’t often attack humans, pets are definitely at risk. Of course, bobcats aren’t the largest of creatures. They’re about 20 pounds when fully grown, so you won’t find a bobcat attempting to take on a Rottweiler or other massive dog. But smaller pets such as dogs under 20 pounds and pretty much any housecat can make an easy meal for a bobcat.

bob cat predator
Image Credit: Pixabay

What Else Have Bobcats Eaten?

Bobcats will kill and eat all types of prey. Aside from backyard pets like small dogs and cats, they’ve also been responsible for the deaths of countless calves, sheep, lambs, goats, chickens, and other fowl. It’s estimated that bobcats kill more than 10,000 sheep and lambs in the US every year. Fortunately, attacks on humans are exceedingly rare, though it has happened before with cats that were believed to have the rabies virus.



In most areas, bobcat attacks on pets are rather rare. But if you live on the outskirts of town where you’re near a more rural area, bobcats could be lurking near your home. While big dogs are rarely at risk of attack, small pets like cats can make an easy meal and could disappear from your backyard if you’re not careful. Take precautions if you believe a bobcat is living near your home. You don’t want your cat to become its next meal!

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay

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