An Unusual Dog That Loves Fireworks
Most dogs hate fireworks and want nothing to do with them. In fact, each year on the 4th of July hundreds of dogs get lost when in a panic, they try to run and hide from the loud explosions taking place in the air.
But this dog is not like most dogs. Nope. This dude loves fireworks!

His owner says,
“It’s not very often you get to see a dog enjoying fireworks on display, but Pride is the exception to the rule!”
Pride sure is the exception. As soon as he hears the fireworks, he rushes to the window so that mom can open it up so that he can enjoy the show. It’s as if he’s been just waiting for the moment when they’ll start.

He stands staring at the display and seems to appreciate all the excitement. He watches the entire display without flinching and in complete awe, shares his human. Other than letting out a few excited barks, he’s chill about the whole thing.
It is certainly a rarity to see a dog enjoying the fireworks as much as his humans do. Who knows, maybe Pride loves the fireworks even more? The adorable pup is transfixed by the starry explosion and not scared by the noise.

Despite this guy’s reaction to fireworks, most owners need to be careful since more dogs are lost during firework shows than at any other time. To prevent this from happening, keep your pet safe by keeping them indoors and far from the noise.

According to national statistics, animal control officials across the country see a 30-60% increase in lost pets each year between July 4th and 6th. In fact, July 5th is one of the busiest days of the year for shelters.
We hope that you found this guy’s love for the fireworks as adorable as we did. He just can’t seem to get enough. Be sure your pet feels the same before taking them out to enjoy the display with you. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.
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