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9-Year-Old Chihuahua Saved From Puppy Mill Can’t Believe He Finally Has His Own Bed

A cute Chihuahua got to have his own bed after 9 years of living in a puppy mill, and we can’t be any happier for him.

The senior Chihuahua named Freddie, spent 9 years living inside a wire kennel until sweet people at National Mill Dog Rescue got involved.

The sweet dog was not only rescued, but he also got to try out his first dog bed ever, how his reaction would be and whether he would like it or not would be found out soon by rescuer Theresa Spader.

Freddie’s rough life has left permanent marks; because he’s been denied dental care, and now he’s completely toothless.

The sweet dog lived a difficult life but that didn’t change his spirit, he was so sweet and accepted snuggles and kind words.

The rescuers cuddle and hug sweet Freddie and even give him some well deserved kisses, and the next step is to introduce him to his new bed.

When the dog is placed gently on the bed he is not sure what he should do, he moves around a bit and buries his little snout into it, and sure enough, he finds the perfect spot.

A footage of the dog on his new bed went viral and soon applications for adopting him started to pour in.

Knowing Freedie soon will have a forever home to spend his golden years surrendered with love and care makes us so happy.

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