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4-Year-Old Lines Up Her Pit Bulls Before Feeding Them Dinner

Pit bulls are large powerful dogs, but the master of this pack is a 4-year-old little girl, who has them completely under control while she prepares and feeds them dinner.

These six male pit bulls reside in the same home. They live in harmony with each other, even eating side-by-side. Just like all large breed dogs, they are strong and require training. However, these sweet dogs are devoted to their family and obviously get plenty of love and attention.

Known to be devoted family pets, pit bulls make wonderful companions. They love kids and enjoy growing up with them. They make great playmates and protectors; any child lucky enough to be loved by one is loved indeed.

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Which makes this little girl especially adored because she doesn’t have just one pit bull, but six of these amazing dogs. Her mom has taught her well because even at such a young age, she has a gentle yet commanding presence with her pups and they listen to her.

In the video, it’s feeding time and the 4-year-old is getting ready to feed the dogs. But rather than the chaos that six dogs wanting to eat all at once could easily bring into the kitchen, six polite dogs are waiting patiently at her feet for their dinner.

Perhaps the cutest moment of the video is when she has each dog sit and thanks them by name. Once they are all seated, she asks them if they are hungry, which of course they are yet they still wait for her to tell them it’s okay to eat.

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She then takes their food and as she places it on the floor, she tells them to stay, which they do. Not one dog makes a move for their food until they have permission. But before she gives it, she counts, 1…2…3…, then all six pit bulls dig in and eat their dinner peacefully side-by-side.

Of course, mom is right there the entire time to supervise her little girl and the dogs. She obviously is a dog lover and pit bull advocate and takes great pride in her daughter and her pack.

It’s impressive when an adult can control six dogs at any given time. But this cute little girl does it with ease. It’s such a good example of what dog training can accomplish. All it takes is love, time, and patience.

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We hope you enjoyed this impressive video. We don’t know about you, but this makes us want to go out and work on improving our own dog’s manners. As always, please feel free to share this with your friends.

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