35 Dogs Who Are Reeling From Their Visit To The Vet

Visits to the doctor are an inevitable part of life for everyone, even for doggos. Even with lots of treats, it can still be an unpleasant experience. But it can also be hilarious! Scroll down to see 35 doggos after vet visits, being high from the medicine or sporting unflattering haircuts or cones.

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  • 1. Well, if he wakes up hungry, it’s right there.
  • 2. He got the good drugs at the vet.
  • 3. Someone isn’t happy about their new accessory.
  • 4. Those eyes can see through time.
  • 5. One ear has gone down to signal how sad she is.
  • 6. This doggo is missing all the teeth they took out of her.
  • 7. That deep ear scrubbing sent this pup into such a state.
  • 8. This is Tater after having the tartar taken out of her little teefies.
  • 9. The drugs from the vet has muddled this little doggo’s brain.
  • 10. “What if the car seat, peed on me, man?”
  • 11. After the sedation from the surgery, she can hear colours.
  • 12. “What if “I’m” the shame, and the “cone” is good?”
  • 13. He’s sitting like a people!
  • 14. Druggo doggo doin’ a derp.
  • 15. He looks like he doesn’t remember that he has a tongue.
  • 16. Oh, look, it’s Droolius Ceasar!
  • 18. That “Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me” look…
  • 19. “The Cone… the Cone of SHAAAAAAME”
  • 20. “Am I going to be like this forever?”
  • 21. “Why do you call them dog bones when they aren’t made out of dogs?”
  • 23. She is thinking so deeply how she can get even…
  • 24. When you try to do a death stare but are way too sleepy to do it properly:
  • 25. 🎶 Is this the real life? Or is this just fantasy?🎶
  • 26. “Can’t see wiffout me glasses.”
  • 27. Listening to colours and seeing noises.
  • 28. “Think it is funny, don’t you? Well, I will show you funny!”
  • 29. “I can count the stars, man.”
  • 30. “The snozzberries taste like snozzberries!”
  • 31. “Hmmm. I sense a disturbance in the force.”
  • 32. The happiest highest pupper ever!
  • 33. “Hey, dude, take me to that vet place more often!”
  • 34. When you achieve inner peace after anaesthesia.
  • 35. 🎶 Nothing hurts, nothing hurts, la-la-la-la nothing huurts! 🎶

1. Well, if he wakes up hungry, it’s right there.

black and brown dog laying on a bed with the head partly inside a silver bowl

Via u/BoolImAGhost

2. He got the good drugs at the vet.

black and brown dog with narrowed eyes and tongue sticking out slightly being held by someone

Via u/divineaffirmation

3. Someone isn’t happy about their new accessory.

brown and white corgi wearing a lage plastic cone collar

Via u/Akephalos7

4. Those eyes can see through time.

brown and white dog laying on blankets with the tongue sticking out slightly

Via u/Any_Hat_7033

5. One ear has gone down to signal how sad she is.

brown dog laying on a bed wearing a plastic cone collar

Via u/crazymom1978

6. This doggo is missing all the teeth they took out of her.

brown dog laying on a brown blanket

Via u/UnluckyObserver_1

7. That deep ear scrubbing sent this pup into such a state.

fluffy black and white spaniel laying on a blue sofa with the tongue hanging out

Via u/Decolans

8. This is Tater after having the tartar taken out of her little teefies.

fluffy white small dog laying on a red bed with the tongue hanging out slightly

Via u/ErrorReport404

9. The drugs from the vet has muddled this little doggo’s brain.

old brown bulldog laying sideways on a car seat

Via u/Teggers16

10. “What if the car seat, peed on me, man?”

smiling black brown and white corgi wearing a plastic cone collar with the eyes closed sitting ina car

Via u/mistyfigs

11. After the sedation from the surgery, she can hear colours.

old brown dog laying the head on a green cushion on a brown sofa

Via u/Lynnthemongrel

12. “What if “I’m” the shame, and the “cone” is good?”

white black and brown dog wearing a plastic cone ollar laying on the floor with the tongue sticking out slightly

Via u/die_mensch_maschine

13. He’s sitting like a people!

black and brown dog sitting up leaning back against a car seat with the tongue sticking out

Via funniername

14. Druggo doggo doin’ a derp.

black and white dog sitting with the tongue sticking out the side

Via Reddit

15. He looks like he doesn’t remember that he has a tongue.

black and brown dog with the tongue sticking out the side

Via u/busch11

16. Oh, look, it’s Droolius Ceasar!

black and white dog sitting with mouth open and eyes closed

Via Reddit


black and white husky on a pink sofa with the body shaved and only having fur on the head and tail

Via u/xellex

18. That “Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me” look…

black dog with white paw with sightly open eyes and the tongue sticking out being held by someone

Via dingo0o

19. “The Cone… the Cone of SHAAAAAAME”

black poodle wearing a large padded black and white cone collar

Via u/milorocks

20. “Am I going to be like this forever?”

brown and black dog laying on the floor with the tongue sticking out the side

Via u/BCFire22

21. “Why do you call them dog bones when they aren’t made out of dogs?”

brown and black old dog sitting on the floor of a car with narrowed eyes

Via u/Skooober


brown and white chihuahua with a slightly open mouth and widened eyes being held by someone

Via u/bargainmusic

23. She is thinking so deeply how she can get even…

brown and white fluffy pomeranian with narrowed eyes and the tongue sticking out being held by someone

Via mylifeforhire

24. When you try to do a death stare but are way too sleepy to do it properly:

brown chihuahua with eyes narrowed and tongue sticking out slightly being held by someone

Via bongokitten

25. 🎶 Is this the real life? Or is this just fantasy?🎶

brown dog in a car with eyes closed and the tongue sticking out

Via Fikifiki

26. “Can’t see wiffout me glasses.”

brown dog laying on the floor with narrowed eyes and slightly opened mouth

Via u/_hairy_potter

27. Listening to colours and seeing noises.

fluffy black dog in a padded cone collar with widened eyes

Via Reddit

28. “Think it is funny, don’t you? Well, I will show you funny!”



29. “I can count the stars, man.”

Via u/stordi1631

35. 🎶 Nothing hurts, nothing hurts, la-la-la-la nothing huurts! 🎶

grinning black brown and white dog laying sideways on a brown sofa

Via BeerIsProofThatGodLovesUsAndWantsUsToBeHappy

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