25 Animal Heroes Caught On Tape, Some Are Unbelievable
Some of these videos are wild. I mean, wild! How about a dog saving a baby from going into the street? Altering a motorist, and the motorist finding the child’s parents?
Or 2 Belgian Malinois pups chasing away a burglar trying to sneak into someone’s yard and home. He is lucky those Malinois were still only pups, or he would’ve been in real trouble. He didn’t seem very agile or quick on his feet!

Some of these clips are even wilder. Saving your stuff from a burglar is nice, but things can always be replaced. Do you know what can’t be replaced? A child. In one of these clips, a trained protection dog is doing a training exercise where his owner’s child is mock abducted by a “bad guy” in a bite suit. Unlike the Malinois pups, I mentioned before, this one was fully grown and trained!
If you have protective dogs, you better be careful! In one clip a man and his girlfriend are horse playing. Their German Shepherd Dog, however, didn’t get the memo that they were just joking and protects the girlfriend with a few serious barks and by pantsing him. Yep, he pulled his pants down ha-ha.

Speaking of German Shepherd Dogs, another one of my favorite clips is of a beautiful bi-color German Shepherd Dog who is training for a simulated ATM robbery. If you do the crime, you’ll do time… and end up in the hospital.
Not all protection is against bad guys. For instance, one clip showcases a medical alert service dog that puts its body between its handler’s head and hard surfaces during an epileptic seizure. I’ve seen broken bones, teeth, and terrible bruises from epileptics having a seizure and falling. It’s very scary stuff. Thankfully, her dog can detect seizures and is trained to protect her from hurting herself.

These examples of pets protecting their owners are just the ones that were caught on camera. I imagine there are probably hundreds more out there on the internet or saved to someone’s phone or computer who recorded their pet doing something heroic. And if that’s the case, there must surely be thousands of heroic pets who weren’t recorded when summoning up great reserves of bravery or exhibiting their craft as highly trained service animals.
Do you know any heroic pets? If so, leave a comment and tell us about it. And as always, if you liked this video and article, please leave a like and share. It helps our page, and we appreciate it. Thank you!
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