10 Lazy Cat Breeds (with Pictures)

Given the opportunity, most house cats can spend up to 20 hours a day sleeping. Therefore, it would be incredibly hypocritical of one breed to accuse another of being “lazy.”
Nonetheless, some breeds are naturally more docile or low-energy, making them ideal for people looking for a couch partner.
If you are looking for a cat with a laid-back personality, you have come to the right place. The following are 10 cat breeds that are exceptionally lazy even by cat standards.
The 10 Lazy Cat Breeds Are:
1. Ragdoll

Ragdolls have the most befitting name of any cat breed because they tend to go limp as soon as you pick them up. Unlike most cats, ragdolls find immense delight in being picked up and carried around. This cat is so lazy that it is highly unlikely that it will land on its feet if you decide to drop it.
As you can imagine, Ragdolls are as mellow and docile as they come. They are also delightful and affectionate. Nonetheless, despite their sweet nature and love for cuddling, ragdolls are remarkably independent. They are not over needy for attention, which in our opinion, only adds to their charm since you cannot help but want to reassure them.
Most Ragdoll owners describe these cats to be “dog-like” because they love playing fetch, in addition to being accepting of leashes.
2. Ragamuffin

The Ragamuffin is a variation of the Ragdoll. The only difference between them is that Ragamuffins have more colors and patterns than ragdolls. The Ragamuffin breed came about when breeders decided to have Ragdolls that sported colors and patterns that are not accepted in the standard Ragdoll.
Other than that, Ragamuffins are just like Ragdolls; they love being carried out and won’t miss out on an opportunity to sit in your lap. Like Ragdolls, Ragamuffins will follow you around, as they do not like being alone.
This breed gets along with other pets and children.
3. Maine Coon

Let us appreciate the fact that the largest of all house cats has a laid-back disposition. It is chilling to imagine the damage an 18-pound cat is capable of if it decides to go full-throttle. Fortunately, Maine Coons are true gentle giants, preferring to lounge around all day.
This giant cat is incredibly affectionate to its owners, following them around the house for company.
Maine Coons seem to be aware of their size, as they tend not to sit in the laps of their owners; they will prefer to lie beside you instead. However, they are not beyond accepting bribes for cuddles.
Maine Coons are easy to care for, as they do not require lots of grooming. Despite a Maine Coon’s large size, it makes an excellent pet for beginners.
4. Persian

This cat breed is so lazy that they have earned themselves the moniker “furniture with fur.” Between these and Ragdolls, it is a toss-up as to whom is the laziest of all house cats. Persians will only move to eat or visit the litter box, and that is it!
The Persian cat is mellow, docile, and incredibly accommodating of pestering by young kids and pets. Nonetheless, every cat has a breaking point; therefore, it would be best to teach the kids to respect this cat to avoid injuries from unexpected scratches. In fact, Persians do not do well in noisy homes.
This cat also requires lots of grooming to keep its coat in good condition.
5. Exotic Shorthair

The Exotic Shorthair is essentially a Persian cat with a short coat; otherwise, they are the same cat. As such, exotics are a good fit for people who love Persians but are not looking forward to the hassle of grooming a Persian’s long coat.
Like Persians, exotics are sweet and laid-back, enjoying nothing more than being petted. However, unlike Persians, the Exotic Shorthair is content with being alone. This breed’s personality also varies between sexes, with males having a sweeter disposition. Females, on the other hand, tend to be rather aloof.
6. British Shorthair

The British Shorthair has an aristocrat’s demeanor; it is calm, cool, collected, and has impeccable manners. British Shorthairs are anything but destructive, preferring to lay on their favorite spot and watch events unfold around them.
But these cats are not terribly affectionate. In fact, one would describe them as being somewhat aloof. Nonetheless, they will remind you they love you occasionally by following you around the house or by accepting cuddling.
7. Korat

With its stunning emerald eyes and silver-blue coat, the Korat is one gorgeous kitty. It is no wonder that this cat is considered a good luck charm in its native home of Thailand.
While the Korat loves nothing more than kicking back and relaxing, this breed does not mind playing with its owners. Korats are also one of the most affectionate cat breeds globally, which is why they are so highly sought-after.
8. Selkirk Rex

The Selkirk Rex arguably has the most luxurious coat of any house feline, which is perhaps why they are among the most popular breeds today. Looks aside, Selkirk Rexes are also popular for their cheerful dispositions, making them excellent family cats.
Nonetheless, the Selkirk Rex is not overly energetic, preferring to laze around the house instead.
9. Scottish Fold

The Scottish Fold is a gentle and affectionate breed that forms deep bonds with its owners. This breed might not be as lazy as the ones above but can hold its own when it comes to the game of doing nothing.
Scottish Folds have a genuine fear of being alone. Therefore, do not adopt this cat if you cannot provide them with company. They also do not like excessive petting or cuddling.
10. American Shorthair

The American Shorthair is an incredibly friendly but laid-back kitty that gets along with just about any person or pet in the household. Unfortunately, these cats are susceptible to excessive weight gain. Therefore, you will have to force this lazy kitty to play, in addition to controlling their diet to prevent obesity.
Featured Image Credit: pompi, Pixabay
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