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10 Best Sinking Fish Foods 2022 - Reviews & Top Picks

Some fish live close to the surface and as such, need food that does not drop to the bottom of their aquarium.

Bottom feeders, on the other hand, are fish that prefer eating at the base of the aquarium. This means that to feed them, you will need to find fish food that sinks to the bottom.

Finding good sinking food for your fish can be tricky, as there are many products to choose from. Fortunately, we have done the legwork for you. The following are reviews for the best sinking fish foods on the market today.


A Quick Comparison of Our Favorites

The 10 Best Sinking Fish Foods

1. Tetra Tetramin Large Flakes — Best Overall

Tetra Tetramin Large Flakes

Arguably the best sinking fish food on the market today, Tetramin Large Flakes by Tetra offer the perfect nutritional balance for your bottom feeder. They are enriched with minerals, vitamins, and trace elements that are necessary for the good health of your fish.

This meal is comprised of 47% protein, 3% fiber, 1% phosphate, and 6% moisture. It also has biotin and omega-3 to enhance your fish’s energy levels while boosting their metabolism.

These flakes are also easy to digest, thereby ensuring that the animal releases less waste. This helps make sure that the water in the aquarium stays fresh for longer.

Tetramin Flakes also help boost the fish’s immunity, and they are suitable for all kinds of fish.

The one drawback that these flakes have, however, is that they dissolve rapidly. This means that they will not stick around for long. Nonetheless, proper feeding methods will ensure that your fish will gobble up these flakes as soon as they reach the bottom.

With all these benefits, it is not hard to see why we have this product as our top choice.

  • Enriched with minerals and vitamins for optimal nutrition
  • Great for most fish
  • Does not pollute the water
  • Comes in various sizes

2. Wardley Shrimp Pellets — Best Value

Wardley Shrimp Pellets

This sinking fish food was formulated from the collective efforts of several scientists in a bid to find the perfect food for bottom feeders.

The first thing that you will notice about the Shrimp pellets by Wardley is that it sinks to the bottom quickly. This ensures that the top feeders do not partake in a meal that is not meant for them. What’s more, these pellets contain high protein content, which is ideal for bottom feeders, as most of these fish require a great deal of protein in their food.

Wardley Shrimp Pellets are also enriched with vitamin C to boost your fish’s immunity system.

The pellets come in a container that not only is easy to store in your cupboards but also has an airtight lid to ensure that the pellets do not lose their nutritional value.

The issue with this product, however, is that the pellets are quite large, which means that you will need to crush them before giving them to your fish.

For its price, however, this product is arguably the best sinking fish food for the money.

  • Provide a well-balanced diet
  • Sinks fast
  • Great packaging
  • Inexpensive
  • Large pellets that require crushing before being fed to the fish

3. Hikari Bio-Pure Freeze Dried Spirulina Brine Shrimp Cubes

Hikari Bio-Pure Freeze Dried

These Shrimp cubes by Hikari are freeze-dried and mixed with spirulina. This means that every morsel is of benefit. Most bottom feeders require protein for optimal functioning, and brine shrimp are one of the best sources of high-quality protein in the world.

As you may already know, Brine shrimp are extremely tiny, which means that smaller fish will be able to snatch up disintegrated pieces from the cube. Bigger fishes should have no problem eating bigger pieces of the cube.

For a more intimate feeding experience, you can press a cube against the side of the tank, and the fish will come over to nibble on it.

The only drawback to this food is that it can be messy. However, it is of high quality and does not contain any filler ingredients, which means that all the components in this meal are beneficial to the fish. It is a premium product and its price reflects that.

  • High-quality protein
  • Does not contain filler ingredients
  • Provides a well-balanced diet
  • Tasty

4. TetraMin Plus Tropical Flakes

TetraMin Plus Tropical Flakes

The TetraMin Plus Tropical Flakes is one of the best-tasting fish foods on the market today. The product comes in shrimp flavor, which bottom feeders happen to have a high affinity for. The mere aroma of the flakes will be more than enough to get your fish scrambling for a piece. But the great taste also means that you will need to control their portions to avoid overfeeding them.

In addition to having great flavor, this meal has a high protein content, in addition to being packed with minerals and vitamins to provide your pet with a balanced diet.

It is also highly digestible. This means that most of the food will get absorbed into the fish’s body, thereby reducing the number of excretions and keeping the tank clean for longer. Additionally, the flakes that do not get eaten up won’t contaminate the water.

Nonetheless, these flakes can lose their nutritional value when exposed to air, which means that you will need to store them in airtight containers.

  • Tasty shrimp flavor
  • Easily digestible
  • Do not contaminate the water
  • Highly nutritious
  • Susceptible to losing nutritional value when exposed to air

5. Fluval Hagen Vegetarian Pellets

Fluval Vegetarian

These Vegetarian Pellets by Fluval are meant for herbivores, with their main ingredient being spirulina. This meal also consists of nutritious veggies, such as carrots, spinach, peas, garlic, and cabbage. It also has quality protein from krill and herring.

As a result, this food is great for fish such as Mbuna cichlids and silver dollar. It is also excellent for goldfish because the pellets sink to the bottom, thereby allowing the goldfish to gobble them up without taking in air. Once trapped in their intestines, air can cause them harm.

The only issue with this food is that it is meant only for herbivores, which means that you cannot give it to your carnivorous bottom feeders.

  • Nutritious
  • Fast sinking
  • High-quality ingredients
  • Only meant for herbivorous fish

6. Aqueon Tropical Flakes

Aqueon Tropical Flakes

These Flakes by Aqueon comprise tasty foods that your bottom feeders will definitely love. The ingredients used to make this food come from all-natural sources. Additionally, these flakes are enriched with vitamins, minerals, and other trace elements. This meal does not have any artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.

In addition to providing your bottom feeder with optimal nutrition, these flakes also help enhance a fish’s natural colors. Moreover, they are easy to digest, which means that the fish will not release a great deal of waste back into the water.

The only drawback to these flakes is that they are small and crumbly, and this can cause problems during feeding.

  • Nutritious
  • Easy to digest
  • Enhances natural color
  • Does not contain artificial additives

7. Omega One Veggie Rounds

Omega One Sinking Veggie

The Veggie Rounds by Omega One are excellent treats for all types of bottom feeders. The main ingredients in this meal are salmon, herring, kelp, and spirulina. It also contains rice bran and wheat germ to aid in digestion.

In addition to providing your pet with the protein it needs, the salmon and herring contain essential omega-3 and -6 fatty acids. These help increase the fish’s energy levels in addition to boosting its immunity, thus decreasing the risks of disease and mortality.

The Veggie Rounds are designed to be insoluble. This feature ensures that they do not disintegrate once they hit the water, thus leaving your tank clean. Moreover, they are fast sinking, so your bottom feeders do not have to wait long to feed. They are also easy to digest, which ensures that your fish does not release a great deal of waste.

This product, however, does not have enough protein content to sustain carnivorous bottom feeders.

  • High-quality ingredients
  • Fast sinking
  • Insoluble, hence not creating a mess
  • Easy to digest
  • Not suitable for carnivorous fish

8. Repashy SuperGreen

Repashy SuperGreen

The SuperGreen by Repashy is an excellent meal for herbivorous bottom feeders. It consists of five different types of algae and does not have any kind of animal protein.

The formula comes in gel form and can be applied to driftwood or tiles so the grazing bottom feeders can slowly nibble at it. Alternatively, you can drop entire cubes into the tank. The good news is that they are fast sinking, which ensures that top and mid-water fish do not eat them up before they reach the bottom feeders.

This meal also contains ingredients such as turmeric and hibiscus powder, which help enhance the fish’s color.

Something that you might not like about this product is that you have to mix it up yourself.

  • Excellent for herbivores
  • Nutritious
  • Has color-enhancing ingredients
  • Easy to digest

9. HEDIRU Tab Tetra Sinking Fish Food


These tablets by HEDIRU are packed with minerals and vitamins to ensure that your bottom feeders get the nutrition they require. They are especially ideal for catfish such as corys, which show a high affinity for the tablets.

The tablets are small enough to allow even tiny fish to gobble them up with no issues. They also taste great, which means that you should not have to worry about leftovers at the bottom of the aquarium.

Bottom feeders tend to overeat these tablets, so you will need to keep a strict check on the amount of food that you are giving to your fish.

  • Small for easy swallowing
  • Tasty
  • Nutritious

10. Tetra Algae Wafers

Tetra PRO PlecoWafers

These wafers by Tetra are a great option for herbivorous bottom feeders. Tetra has made the feed available in three different sizes to allow you to choose the one that suits your needs best.

These wafers are made from algae, thereby ensuring that your fish has all its nutritional requirements met. They also have a high fiber content, meaning that they are easy to digest, resulting in less waste in the tank.

A major issue with these wafers, however, is that they tend to leave the tank messy.

  • Nutritious
  • High fiber content for easier digestion
  • Comes in different sizes

Buyer’s Guide

Not every food is good for your fish. Make sure that you buy reputable brands and understand the nutritional content of the food.

Nutritional Content of Fish Food

Just like terrestrial animals, fish can be carnivorous (meat-eating), herbivorous (vegetarians), or omnivorous (eats both plants and animals).

As such, their nutritional needs will vary. Carnivorous fish need food high in animal-based protein (between 50 and 70%). To ensure that they are getting a balanced diet, make sure the food has fiber and fat content as well.

Since omnivorous fish eat both meat and plants, they do not require as much protein content as their carnivorous counterparts. The ideal diet for an omnivorous fish should have between 30-40% protein, 2-5% fat, and 3-8% fiber.

Even though herbivores only eat plants and vegetables, you should ensure that their food also has protein content.

Next on your reading list:



Bottom feeders are fish that primarily feed at the bottom of a body of water. They will exhibit the same characteristics even when in an aquarium. To feed them, you will need to find food that not only sinks but also meets the nutritional needs of your fish.

If you are at a loss for which product to go for, consider the Tetra Tetramin Large Flakes, as this is a high-quality nutrient-dense product that provides bottom feeders with a balanced diet. If you are on a budget, the Wardley Shrimp pellets are the most affordable high-quality sinking food.

For more reviews on fish food check out these posts:


Featured image credit: HEDIRU 275 Tab Tetra Sinking Fish Food, Amazon

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