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When A Coyote Snatches Up Their Dog, These Owners Don’t Hesitate To Save Him

Coyotes and pets don’t mix. While these predators are hunting for dinner, small dogs are just going about their business in their backyard, not realizing the danger lurking. When a coyote breaches this yard one afternoon, this helpless little dog barely escapes with his life.

Chico the Chihuahua is hanging out in his backyard one day when a coyote comes over the fence. Chico starts to bark in terror and runs from the coyote but he’s no match for the larger predator, who is determined to catch him.

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In a blink, the coyote snatches Chico up into its jaws. The coyote carries Chico off. At that point, his owners rush outside and try to save their little dog, but they can’t see him or the coyote anywhere.

Desperate, one of the owners rushed back into the house and grabbed an air horn. They then run back outside and blast it several times. Fortunately, it must have been enough to scare the coyote away from his meal plans because the coyote let Chico go.

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Miraculously, Chico survived with a broken rib and some cuts and bruises. The tiny but mighty dog made a full recovery thanks to the quick actions of his owners, who now keep air horns at every door in their home, just for scaring coyotes away.

Air horns are a great way to scare off coyotes but to use one, an owner must be there when the coyote is. After their scare, Chico’s owners don’t let him go outside by himself anymore. He’s just too little and the threat is too big.

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Chico is a lucky pup to be able to survive his attack. Many dogs and cats don’t, and the problem is getting worse as more homes encroach on natural coyote habitats and the coyotes get comfortable hunting in residential neighborhoods.

You can do things to help prevent coyote attacks, like not letting your dogs out alone and installing coyote rollers on your fence. It’s also not a bad idea to keep an air horn handy, just in case.

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We’re so glad that Chico is okay and running around his yard like the incident never happened. But his owners are still traumatized and not about to let their little dog out of their sight. Please spread coyote awareness by sharing this video with your friends.

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