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Police Dog Shot In Head By Suspect. After Extensive Surgery, He Meets His Partner One More Time.

Some may argue that a human life is more important than any animal’s, writes pintiks

But in the video you’re about to see, you’ll surely disagree with that statement. In it, you’ll hear of an absolutely tragic story that happened to an adorable seven-year-old German Shepherd by the name of Bruno. You will also hear about the lengths that many went to in order to make sure Bruno would be safe, taken care of, and loved after the terrible incident.

You see, Bruno has been a police dog for six years, working with police officer R.J. Young. One afternoon however, Bruno was shot by an attacker in the face, which left him with a bullet in his lung and a shattered jaw. But Bruno did not cry, he merely ran to officer Young for safety, who then managed to get him to the vet for emergency surgery. Luckily, the surgery was a massive success, leaving Bruno on the mend.

Now, officer Young says that he will adopt adorable Bruno and pay for all of his medical bills, as he absolutely loves him with all of his heart. He also admits that Bruno is an amazingly strong animal with a very positive outlook and brave attitude, and for that reason, he knows that Bruno won’t let the accident get the better of him.

Despite the tragic event, it is utterly beautiful to witness so many people coming together to take care of this truly magnificent animal. Bruno, while on the mend, can look forward to many more happy years alongside his partner and new adoptive dad! What a happy ending for everyone!

Watch Bruno and his new dog-dad in the link below! If you’ve loved this story, be sure to share it with your family and friends, especially those who are major dog-enthusiasts! And, a big thank-you goes to all involved in Bruno’s amazing recovery.


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